The Omnipresence...
The strength of our working method is its omnipresence. With a sales person in each territory, going from client to client, we have the opportunity to explore our potential in a qualitative and really effective way!
We are a modern company and we have chosen to rely on social networks to increase the visibility of our media
Our first influencers...
Each Guide has an account or page on Facebook, Instagram and also a Twitter account that relays information, news, tips, photos, videos and reports.
Our best Community Managers? They are our sales people! They meet each of our clients and discover good restaurants, visit hotels and quality tourist sites. They are the first people to recommend our Guides and it is thanks to them that we are in, out and about all the time!

A fantastic visibility...
We are regularly on the lookout to adapt our style and our way of communicating to the ever-changing demands of social networks.
We offer fantastic visibility to our clients, who we regularly put forward!
Each publication is consulted by tens of thousands of people, which is a great opportunity for our clients, who benefit from publicity on social networks, in addition to a very good referencing thanks to their presence on the website of our Guides. The proof? The constant increase in traffic on our networks, the investment of our community through shares, likes and comments.